Andy Baran is The Job Whisperer:

Helping you achieve your career goals

Andy Baran is The Job Whisperer:

Helping you achieve your career goals

Andy Baran is The Job Whisperer:

Helping you achieve your career goals

Andy Baran is The Job Whisperer:
Helping you achieve your career goals

Over 20 years of experience supporting 10,000+ individuals to reach their career dreams. Specialising in supporting jobseekers whose second language is English.

About Me:

With a background in career coaching and international training, Andy Baran has spent over 2 decades empowering individuals to find meaningful work. Known for his relaxed, positive approach, Andy specialises in supporting individuals for whom English is a second language


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Transforming Dreams into Careers with

Compassion and Expertise!

What I Do:

The offerings of The Job Whisperer are centered around providing personalised and mindful guidance to individuals in their career journeys. My services collectively reflect the mindful and compassionate approach of The Job Whisperer, aiming to guide individuals toward meaningful and fulfilling careers while addressing both practical and emotional aspects of the job search and career development process. The core themes for The Job Whisperer’s offerings revolve around the following services:

Mindful Career

Discover your strengths and chart a career path that truly aligns with your passions.” Holistically discover the pathway to the career you were meant to do.

2 Steps to

A tailored approach for”close to ready” jobseekers to help land your next job in just two focused sessions.

Win The Interview

Let’s make interviewing easy with a mock interview followed up by kind, compassionate, knowledgeable feedback.

Unlock the Hidden
Job Market

Discover the 75% of job opportunities that aren’t advertised and learn how to tap into them.

Regain Confidence In The Workplace

Heal, rebuild, and regain confidence after challenging workplace experiences.

A Resume Plan That Works

Create an effective resume that works for you. Resumes shouldn’t be complicated.